All images on this blog are a copyright of Magdalena Mateja Photography and may not be printed, shared or duplicated in any way without permission according to copyright law.

January 8, 2010

Day 8

This photo is dedicated to love of reading. My kids, especially Maciek, love reading books. They have a huge collection (well, it's an idea for a photo in a future for me) of books any kind, for little kids like Szymek and encyclopedia of animals for kids. Maciek loves his "mature" books, Szymek sometimes can't be focused for that long so I read with Maciek his mature books when Szymek sleeps and books for little kids when they are both with me. Photo texture is by SBS, thanks to Karina I bougth a pack of textures and I really love them :)


  1. ciesze sie, ze overlaye sie przydały :) chłopaki super wygladaja na zdjeciu, widac ze sa skupieni na czyms, super ze lubia czytac ksiazki. U mnie niestety dzieciaki nie umia sie na tym skupic, nawet jak ja czytam to zaraz zaczynaja wariowac. Moze kiedys im sie odmieni.

  2. aż miło popatrzeć takie zainteresowanie wowww. U mnie nadeszła pora Nintendo Dsi i sama jestem zła na siebie ze dałam się na to namówic. Awantura co 10 minut bo jachce i ja mamo no powiedz mu coś to moje....

    Miłej nocy P

  3. very very beautiful photo!!
    i link you back sweetie, than i can see yours too!

  4. They are just precious!!! Its great they love to read!!

  5. What a tender sweet moment you have captured! So wonderful that they love to son is the same way and hope my daughter will pick up on that as well.

  6. Piękny moment uchwyciłaś, jacy są obaj skupieni, super!

  7. Such a sweet photo. It`s great that your boys loves books. Only my daughter likes books, my son mostly wants to read magasines.

  8. That is a beautiful photo! I love reading too - my boys less so. I'm trying though!

  9. The colours are wonderful and how exciting that they love reading!

  10. Hi sweetie, do u have other email? or maybe DST nick name? I wasn't able to emailed u the coupon. :) it bounched back to me.
