All images on this blog are a copyright of Magdalena Mateja Photography and may not be printed, shared or duplicated in any way without permission according to copyright law.

January 14, 2010

I'm back with some new photos

I'm back and I'm so glad!!! I have to say my hubby is brilliant, he reperated everything so quickly. Nothing was lost. One of our disks is on the way to service, the other works fine.

Now I can show you photos from last days.
On day 12 I just had to make a photo of a forest, which is near here. I want to dedicate this photo to Marta, who I was talking to about this place few days ago. Kabacki Forest is so pretty now, under a soft eiderdown. Photo overlay by Vera Lim.

Day 13 is dedicated to Kasia, who inspired me to take a photo of my warm socks. I love these socks, especially now, when it's so cold outside. Photo texture by Vera Lim.

Today kids were playing Play-Doh and they loved it. Maciek made an octopus and then he said she needs a cap and neck-cloth because it's winter now. And he did both. I took one photo of this sweet octopus before Szymek took her eyes and tried to eat them.


  1. Wow! Great to see your photos! These look fantastic.

  2. wow the pictures are soo beautiful!!
    i love your warmsock photo!!
    beautiful colors!

  3. I love the tree and the red socks photos - great job!

  4. The forest photo is so magical. I would love to see this. Maybe one day???

  5. oo Madziu cuuuudne zdjęcia. Patrząc na to pierwsze (wielkie buziaki) to jakaś tęsknota mnie złapała. Wiesz już niedługo wiosna więc na pewno się zobaczymy jak przyjedziemy do Polski. Natomiast to drugie zdjęcie jest piękne. Hmmmmm i ja bym coś takiego zrobiła ;)


  6. wow so great winter pictures
    thanks for sharing with us
    i love the look of many snow

    Hugs to you my sweetie
